Tulsa Woman Warns Others After Alleged Catalytic Converter Theft Caught On Camera

Tulsa Woman Warns Others After Alleged Catalytic Converter Theft Caught On Camera

A Tulsa woman is warning others after thieves tried to steal the catalytic converter on her car. The men were caught on camera as they tried sawing the piece off.

Kelly Kirkland said she was shocked when thieves targeted her in broad daylight, so she wants to raise awareness about this crime trend, so it doesn't happen to others.

Surveillance video from a parking lot near 31st and Harvard shows two men in this red pickup pulling up. Kirkland said they caught the attention of others walking to the building.

"Came in very boldly, with their windows rolled down, blaring very loud music, several people noticed them," Kirkland said.

Kirkland said a coworker texted her asking if she was getting work done on her car. When she went outside to confront the men, they gave her conflicting information before leaving.

She said she turned on her car and immediately knew something was wrong.

"My coworkers, they could hear my car when I started it, from inside of the building, it was that loud," Kirkland said.

Tulsa Police said they've seen an increase in people stealing catalytic converters since December. It's the part of the car's exhaust system.

Officers said the thieves are selling the medal for scrap, getting about $50, but for the victims, it can cost more than $1,000 to make the repairs. They said they have several investigators working on these kinds of cases.

Kirkland said she hopes if more people know, they can keep a watchful eye on their vehicles.

"Just keep your eyes open, for suspicious activity around your vehicle or others," Kirkland said.

If you have any information, call Crimestoppers at 918-596-COPS.