Church Donates Brand-New Laptops To More Than 200 Students, Staff At Tulsa High School

Church Donates Brand-New Laptops To More Than 200 Students, Staff At Tulsa High School

More than 200 high school seniors and staff at McLain High School are getting new laptops they can keep, thanks to a donation from Transformation Church.

"No one really notices us that much and when they do, it's usually little. This one was big and we appreciate it so much," said Marcellus Shands. 

McLain Senior Marcellus Shands is going into the military after graduation this summer. He said this laptop is a huge blessing as he heads off to basic training.

“It'll help me when I go into the military, with college courses and trying to stay in contact with my family,” said Shands. “It's going to help me a lot."

McLain High School Principal Renee Rabovsky said Transformation Church Pastor Michael Todd wanted to speak with the senior class.

Pastor Todd spoke with students about finding their purpose and following their dreams.

"Whether it’s the military or college or vo-tech or a career, he pushed them to go for it, whatever 'it' was for them," said McLain High School Principal Renee Rabovsky.

After Pastor Todd's message, each student was given a box. Inside there was a message and a picture of the MacBooks they'd all be receiving soon.

Shands said these laptops will really open doors for his classmates.

"I know that some people here want to make music and some people want to do art and graphic design and I do believe it will help them,” said Shands.

Transformation Church didn't stop there. They donated laptops to all the staff at McLain, including teachers, paraprofessionals and even office staff at the school.

“We have paras on staff that have been here for 20 plus years, clerks that have been here 20 plus years and for them to get them as well it’s just, words can't even describe how amazing that is,” said Rabovsky.

Shands said he and his classmates are thankful for the laptops, but even more thankful for the opportunities these laptops will bring.

"It showed me that I can do more than I actually wanted to and that I can give a little more too,” said Shands.