Game Wardens Confirm Death Of Black Bear In Backyard Of Norman Home

Game Wardens Confirm Death Of Black Bear In Backyard Of Norman Home

UPDATE (7:09 p.m. May 20, 2021): The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation confirmed that a black bear found in Norman is now dead.

The death has been confirmed by the department's assistant chief Wade Farrar.

Below is the original story. Stay with News 9 with more updates on this story.


After a five-hour struggle, Game wardens and the Norman Fire Department were able to catch a black bear that had been cornered in the backyard of a Norman residence on Wednesday night.

Game Wardens shot multiple tranquilizer darts towards the bear as it slept in a tree near Pickard Avenue and Elmwood Drive.

Officials were able to load the bear onto a horse trailer after he fell from the top of the tree.

According to police, the same bear was spotted in Noble before Wednesday night.

No injuries were reported.