Mick Wilson is the new Tulsa Public School District Director of Athletics. Wilson has been with the district for the past 12 years and has some big plans for the athletics of the Tulsa High Schools.
When Dr. Gil Cloud officially retires as the TPS Athletic Director on Thursday, Mick Wilson will have some huge shoes to fill.
With 30 years in education, including 12 at Tulsa Public Schools, Wilson has the credentials to step in, and he's ready to get his hands dirty.
"I just feel humble to be in this position and I'm just going to work my tail off for everyone and I'm loyal to this district," said Wilson.
Wilson served as the Executive Director of Athletics during Cloud's nine years in Tulsa. In that time, TPS schools won 14 state titles. Wilson looks to build on that winning tradition, while growing for the future.
"Central is getting a new football stadium but somewhere down the road Central is going to need a new gym and so is Hale. My kids are a part of this district, so we want the best at all times for every kid in Tulsa Public Schools," said Wilson.
Along with the new facilities, Wilson also hopes to keep his coaches in the TPS family.
"Because it’s all about building those relationships,” said Wilson. “And if our coaches and teachers can continue in Tulsa Public Schools, maintain those relationships and build new ones, I think we are in good shape.”