Sand Springs Café Employees Targeted By Catalytic Converter Thieves

Sand Springs Café Employees Targeted By Catalytic Converter Thieves

An employee at a Sand Springs restaurant is upset after he said someone stole his car's catalytic converter while he was at work.

Surveillance video shows someone pull up to the Crescent Cafe Sunday morning, right next to Alex Hendricks’ car.

"It's just like man, it's my car, right, it's like why did you have to pick mine, right? Why did you have to pick anybody's, you know?" said Hendricks.

After just a few minutes, the thief was gone, and so was Hendricks' catalytic converter, a part of the car’s exhaust system. Mechanics say thieves can sell them to scrap yards for a couple hundred bucks. 

"When I got into my car it was really loud, it was too loud," said Hendricks.

Now Hendricks is looking at a $1,000 repair bill, for a crime that happened in broad daylight while he was inside working as a dishwasher.

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time this has happened. Just last year, a waitress at the cafe had her catalytic converter stolen too.

Waitress Sunny Adams was concerned when she found out it happened again in the same spot as last time.

"It was terrible and I was parked two spots down from him, so I panicked yesterday. I was like I got to go see if mine got taken again," said Adams.

One of the customers, Ben Osborn, is a mechanic at the shop where Adams got her car fixed last year. He felt bad when he heard that it happened again.

"A lot of them are a $1,00, $1,200 to replace and these kids, you know they don't have the cash to replace it," said Osborn.

Osborn said his truck just got stolen for the second time a few days ago, so he feels the frustration Hendricks is going through and he's offering to give him a discount at the shop.

"I know the frustration of having something taken from you," Osborn said.

If you recognize the person in the surveillance video, call the Sand Springs Police Department.