A social media challenge has caused hundreds of dollars in damages to several Green Country School Districts.
The Tik Tok trend is called "devious licks" --- where kids steal and vandalize for likes and reposts.
The trend is happening more in schools and Oklahoma schools are no exception.
"This seems like something that’s a lot of fun or humorous, but I really could have some long-lasting consequences,” said Freshman Academy Principal Judi Thorn.
Thorn says she saw a surge in the trend this week.
She says damages in one bathroom are estimated to cost more than $600.
"This kind of thing could be anything from detentions to suspension. (In) some of the cases, we involved our campus police force and asked the families to make restitution,” said Thorn.
"It's a crime. it’s stealing. it’s vandalism, it’s not a joke,” Muskogee 8th and 9th Grade Principal Ryan Buell said.
Buell says his district is also being hit hard by the trend. His school, Alice Robertson, is brand new and hasn't even been open a month.
"I think it’s disheartening for any school but when you have a brand-new facility it hurts a little more. We did have hand sanitizes pulled off the wall we did have a bathroom mirror that was destroyed,” Buell said.
Buell says there is a silver lining because other students are showing their support.
"We had students write thank you notes and different things to the custodial staff and teachers. That’s been really nice. We are going to let some good come out of this, we have to,” said Buell.
Jenks school leaders say they're still looking for some of the students responsible for the damage this week.
Muskogee says it sent a harsh letter out earlier in the week and has not had any more incidents.