Girl Scout Cookie Sale Season Begins Soon In Oklahoma

Girl Scout Cookie Sale Season Begins Soon In Oklahoma

The Girl Scouts will soon be setting up their tables at grocery stores and venues here in eastern Oklahoma with Saturday marking the official start of the season.

Volunteers said this time of year is about a lot more than just selling cookies.

Next time you see the Girl Scouts set up outside your favorite grocery store, know that for them, these cookies aren’t just about getting badges or being with their friends

“It is important for them to have that experience of learning people skills by communicating and reaching out to their customers,” said Celeste Franklin, the Director of Product Programs for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma.

Troop leaders filed into a Broken Arrow warehouse on Saturday to pick up their share of more than 300,000 boxes given out across eastern Oklahoma.

Troop Leader Sherrie Sherrick said these cookie sales help the girls take trips or go to camps along with so much more, and she said seeing them accomplish their goals is worth all the work

“I love that I can make a difference in the lives of these girls and impact them in positive ways, and that’s what Girl Scouts allow us to do,” Sherrick said.

The distribution process takes dozens of volunteers, all of them saying cookie season is a big commitment, but one that is so rewarding.

“It’s more than just a cute girl asking you, ‘do you want to buy some thin mints?” It is so much more than that,” said Katie Sayre, a volunteer. “There is a lot of thought and planning that goes into this, and you really have to dedicate your time to it.”

If you’re interested in buying Girl Scout Cookies be sure to head over to the Cookie Finder app to find some near you.