A couple with Oklahoma roots runs an orphanage in Ukraine and now they're helping families in the area. They told News On 6's Sawyer Buccy how Oklahomans can do Something Good to help.
Pam and Jim King operate House of Joy in Ukraine - an orphanage, created to love on kids. Jim took a flight out of Ukraine on Sunday and has spent this week watching Russia invade a community he loves.
After years of ministry work, Ukrainian officials asked Jim and Pam King to start an orphanage. House of Joy was built with donations. The mission there is to love on kids - to give them a childhood they didn't have before.
The adults at House of Joy are doing the best they can to protect the kids from violence happening in their country.
"I felt there would be some type of move by Putin. I didn't think there would be a full-scale thing like we have seen. I don't think you could've found 10 people in Kyiv that thought that," said Jim King with Awaking Hope.
Jim said the kids at the orphanage are well taken care of - so now their focus is on humanitarian aid for others.
Jim and his team are creating a network of churches and organizations around Ukraine. The groups will help to support the people living there and those who are able to flee.
"My wife has made this statement before - America is stamped on our passport and Ukraine is stamped on our heart," said King.
TO SUPPORT HOUSE OF JOY: https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=Fi1giPL8kwX_Oe1AO50jRvneZti9EntyLTeNJpN2wdyhjXsUKRLlmI4vCU4-rZZZ2EvVVAEjqawDomKT1pbouQZGUSE72Q2jsKTX3EPchEM=&ver=3
VOICES OF CHILDREN: https://voices.org.ua/en/
WORLD CENTRAL KITCHEN: https://donate.wck.org/give/236738/#!/donation/checkout
INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE: https://help.rescue.org/donate/ukraine-acq?ms=gs_ppc_fy22_ukraine_mmus_feb&initialms=gs_ppc_fy22_ukraine_mmus_feb&gclid=CjwKCAiApfeQBhAUEiwA7K_UHzB8x2etmy9SZ0q6cTv9X4zVvSTPbtmWcDyAt5InKh1uZYYvNaYvNxoCag0QAvD_BwE