Veteran Gets Surprise Trip To His Hometown Through Soldier's Wish

Veteran Gets Surprise Trip To His Hometown Through Soldier's Wish

A Tulsa Veteran got the surprise of his life when the nonprofit group, Soldier's Wish, gave him a free trip to his hometown.

Dale Pitterman hasn't been to his hometown of Buffalo, New York in 30 years, but thanks to this wish being granted, he gets to go.

"There's more deserving people than me you know," he said.

Dale Pitterman will now get to go back to his hometown of Buffalo, New York. He just found out about the trip, but said he's already planning to see friends and eat at all of his favorite places.

The trip is all because of the nonprofit Soldier's Wish. A group that focused on giving back to veterans.

Dale's wife had nominated him since he had been ill.

"For the people that have served our country, I hold them in the utmost respect, give them the highest honor and this is just a way that we can do that, to give back to them, put a little smile on their face," treasurer Kevin Burr said.

Dale served in the Navy in the 70s and was stationed in Florida. He said serving in the military had a positive and lasting impact on his life.

"It made me grow up. It gave me training in electronics. It taught me how to communicate with people and get along with people," he said.

Kevin Burr with Soldier's Wish said the surprises never get old. He said it's incredible to give back to people who have given so much to us.

"You can't put a price on what they've done for us. They've spent their time away from their families, doing what they think is the right thing to do, which is protect and serve this great nation of ours," he said.

This Saturday, March 12 in Broken Arrow, a fundraiser called SharmRock the Rose will be held. All proceeds will go to Soldier's Wish.