Many large groups are expected at the State Capitol Monday in protest of multiple abortion bills headed through the state legislature.
Groups including Planned Parenthood and the ACLU plan to highlight seven bills, which they say are aggressively anti-abortion.
At Monday's rally, one of the bills they plan to focus on is House Bill 4327, which is modeled after the Texas Heartbeat Act.
In Texas, it allows civil lawsuits to be brought after about five weeks of pregnancy.
Oklahoma's proposed bill, which has moved to the Senate, would take it a step farther and allow lawsuits after conception.
The bill would allow anyone to sue someone who "preforms or induces" or "aides or abets” an abortion after fertilization, which the bill’s author described as the moment the sperm and egg are infused.
"Children are a blessing and a gift from God, and I want Oklahoma to be a state that honors life at all stages," Rep. Wendi Stearman, R-Collinsville said. "This bill will induce compliance as no abortion provider will be willing to risk the lawsuits they would face if they violate this act."
The bill would make exceptions for the life of the mother, rape or incest. However, those found guilty could face a fine up to $10,000.
“You’re creating with this bill,” said Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D- Norman. “A classes system that return us to pre-Roe v. Wade times, where those who can afford it access abortion care; those who can’t afford it die.”
Tuesday's "Bans off Oklahoma" rally begins a 10 a.m. at the steps of the State Capitol.