FedEx Cargo Plane Fire Causes Flights To Divert From Tulsa International Airport

FedEx Cargo Plane Fire Causes Flights To Divert From Tulsa International Airport

Passengers are happy to finally be back in Tulsa, after a fire on a cargo plane forced Tulsa International Airport to close its runways, causing flights to be diverted to Oklahoma City.

The runways were only closed for about 30 minutes, but it added hours to some people's travel time when planes were forced to fly in circles above the airport.

“[We] appreciate your patience with us. Some unforeseen circumstances that we just can’t deal with or get around, but we’ll get you there as quickly and safely as we can," said a Pilot who was forced to fly to OKC for fuel.

One man went from Doha, to Dallas, to Tulsa, to Oklahoma City, and back to Tulsa.

“My travel started 30 plus hours ago," said Leconte Lee.

Lee was on the final leg of his trip home from Malaysia when his plans went 'up in the air.'

“I’m super tired right now so I’m a little delirious. I don’t know what I’m saying English," said Lee.

Airport officials said a FedEx plane was flying from Sacramento to Memphis, when a fire started in the cargo hold, and the plane diverted to Tulsa International Airport.

The airport's firefighters responded, with the help of the Tulsa Fire Department Hazmat Unit.

“My husband Josh and I were looking at each other like what’s going on,” said Jessica Fausset, passenger.

The Faussets are visiting Tulsa from Florida with their four kids.

“There were a few babies on the plane. Mine aren’t little anymore, so it was okay," said Jessica Fausset.

Their 40-minute connection from Dallas turned into over two hours.

"I realized that we were circling a long time,” said Fausset.

They flew to Oklahoma City to refuel, where passengers were given the option to deboard.

Lee said when they landed in Tulsa this afternoon, some clapped while others sighed in relief.

“I’m here which is all that matters,” said Lee.