Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell met with business leaders in Tahlequah to talk about economic growth in the city.
“It’s very important to me that we live our lives inside of our communities and not just go to work and drive home but that we actually spend time in our communities getting to know people," said business owner Amy Edwards.
Amy Edwards owns Mental Wellness Centers of Oklahoma and said that mental health does better when towns have economic growth, and so she went to the lunch to visit with other business owners.
“The more economic development we get the better options that we have for things like insurance coverage and such so it all goes hand in hand," she said.
Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell discussed how to bring businesses to town, the growth along the Illinois River and partnerships with Cherokee Nation.
He said the city is only getting started.
“I think in the next ten years if I had to point to a few towns, that we think are going to grow a lot, Tahlequah is at the top of that list," he said.
Nathan Reed with the Tahlequah Chamber of Commerce said since he came to Tahlequah in 2006, he has seen incredible growth.
He said the chamber likes to bring in state leaders to talk with business owners about how the state can help them.
“My passion lies with small businesses and the support to see them to continue to grow and to provide for our community and themselves as well," Reed said.
Pinnell said the state and community will work together to increase tourism and push for more development.
“We want more people looking at Tahlequah, not just looking at our big towns like Tulsa and Oklahoma City, but want investors looking at places like Tahlequah as well," he said.