Shawnee Cleans Up After Tornado Damages 1,800 Buildings, Homes

Shawnee Cleans Up After Tornado Damages 1,800 Buildings, Homes

The Shawnee city and community leaders have surveyed the damage and say 1,800 hundred buildings and homes were destroyed during the EF2 Tornado.

People are getting out and cleaning up. Relief, in a sense, the tornado injured no one, just some items they needed to go through.

"I have things from moving, things from my kids," said Sherri Fobus.

She has had this storage unit for the past 12 years now it's all disorganized.

"This past summer, we emptied about half of it, and we were waiting until it warmed back up to go through the rest," said Forbus.

She's looking for her grandmother's China she got it when she was a little girl. She found one piece in good condition. Just across the street is Brookdale Assisted Living, empty now but home to 31 residents.

"The resident apartments start right here. You can see the two-by-fours, and that landed 2 feet from our resident's head," said Executive Director Shelee Stewart.

Shelee Stewart says everyone is safe.

"There are two by 4s siding, debris glass blown in the windows. If they would've been in bed, no doubt this would've killed them," said Stewart.

Residences are at their sister communities, one in Stillwater and the other in Ada.

The city continues to feel lucky that no injuries have been reported. They are also organizing volunteer efforts for those who can help. Call (405)273-1035 or email You can sign up to volunteer or ask for volunteers to help.