Free Community Garden Launched By Rogers Co. Agencies For Port Of Catoosa Employees

Free Community Garden Launched By Rogers Co. Agencies For Port Of Catoosa Employees

Several agencies in Rogers County are teaming up to improve the health of its citizens and surrounding communities.

The Port of Catoosa employs a variety of people in Rogers County and throughout Northeast Oklahoma.

Studies from Rogers County T-SET show about 47 percent of people eat less than one serving of fruit each day county wide.

They’re working to see that change through a partnership with the County Health Department that offers a free community garden to employees of the Port of Catoosa.

New signage has been placed on the property to increase the number of employees taking advantage.

The County Health Department has health equity funding to help target industrial employees.

Since some of them have shift work hours, they may not have time to work on their health and wellness.

"Some of the businesses here at the Tulsa Port are using the garden and some of the other wellness activities that we offer to promote more employee wellness. They also acknowledge they become more aware of the benefits of a healthy workforce, less absenteeism, more focused and productive employees," said Renetta Harrison with the Rogers County Health Department.

The department offers free assistance for businesses to start or improve their own wellness programs in the county.