Grant Recipient Uses American Sign Language Skills To Provide Free Tours At Tulsa Museums

Grant Recipient Uses American Sign Language Skills To Provide Free Tours At Tulsa Museums

A Tulsa Young Professionals Foundation grant recipient funded American Sign Language tours at five local museums.

The grant recipients were Nic Annette Miller and Joyce Hom, who worked together to create ASL museum education.

"She said, we should build something. And I thought, well let's go ahead," Hom said. “We have gone ahead and now we are here with LoLoLook."

LoLoLook provided free programs at the Philbrook, the Woody Guthrie Center and other Tulsa museums.

Each tour was led by a deaf educator like Logan Evans.

"I think it's something that is new that has been really wanted in this community," Evans said. “It's amazing to see its set up and we can teach through art and through museum culture in general.”

The goal is to spread this program to other parts of the country and continue it here in Tulsa.

"We feel like all over America, art museums are not having that kind of access for the deaf community and we feel like this is an opportunity to share that," Hom said.

"Not only is it personally really meaningful and do we know how much of an impact it's going to make, but for me it’s just full circle," Miller said.