The Signature Symphony at TCC and Tulsa Youth Symphony will present a musical production called "Inspirations" on Saturday, January 27.
Today on the Arca Continental Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages Porch, we had Artistic Director and Maestro, Scott Seaton. Seaton was joined by Dylan Perez, a cellist with the Youth Symphony who will be performing this weekend.
"The Signature Symphony is one of the great orchestras here, right here in Tulsa. And we are the orchestra in residence at Tulsa Community College. And we present several programs every season. And they're usually very robust and pick and choose from all realms of music," Seaton said.
"This is the first time. So as I'm new here, as well, this is my second season with the symphony. And part of what we're doing is collaborating with lots of entities around Tulsa, including the Tulsa Youth Symphony, because it's more fun that way," Seaton said.
"'Inspirations' is a program where all of the works have some sort of inspiration from a composer, from a piece of music, or some sort of external thing like a rhythmic concept. So you know, we're doing a production of Carmen, which is based on the opera Carmen, but condensed and picks all the greatest music from the opera. So that's gonna be fun. We're doing a piece that's based on a 16th century hymn by Ralph Vaughan Williams; one of the most gorgeous pieces of music in all of music. I kid you not. We're also doing Astor Piazzolla, the Tango King and a piece called Libertango. And then I'm actually going to play and conduct at the beginning of the program, a short, Jazzy, fun piece by George Gershwin called Prelude No. 1," Seaton said.
CLICK HERE for information about the Signature Symphony and "Inspirations."