Tulsa Man Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Ramming Police Vehicles In 2022

Tulsa Man Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Ramming Police Vehicles In 2022

A 67-year-old Tulsa man will spend 10 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release after being sentenced on Wednesday.

Andrew Leon Roberts, according to court documents, tried to run people off the road with his vehicle back in March of 2022.

Roberts then came upon two Tulsa Police officers who were transporting an arrestee to jail, records show. He side-swiped one, attempted to rear-end the other and then turned around to T-bone the first officer's vehicle but missed.

Roberts, a member of the Cherokee Nation, left the scene and was later at a friend's house where he began threatening him, records show.

He left the home after his friend dialed 911 and the first responding officer was immediately rammed by Roberts' vehicle.

That officer was forced to shoot Roberts, causing him to wreck into a tree before being arrested.

He will be transferred to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility.

The FBI and Tulsa Police Department investigated the case.

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