A Bartlesville senior citizen dedicates her time to helping others.
She can't get out and about as much as she used to, but still has a servant's heart.
Being kind goes a long way. Norita Akers believes that the act doesn't have to be big or life-changing. In fact, the way she shows other people she cares, starts with a single stitch.
For forty years, Norita has crocheted.
"Every one of my children, grandchildren, my great grandchildren have an afghan that I have made for them," said Norita.
She started weaving bright colored yarn into hats just a few years ago--but she doesn't give them to people she knows.
"I had already caught up with all my family," she said.
She makes them for the homeless.
"I know I would if I were in their shoes, I'd want something to keep my head warm."
Norita has crocheted more than five hundred hats and donated them all to the Lighthouse Outreach Center.
"You have to have determination to do it."
One hat can take her two days to make, but she's happy to spend the time if it will help others.
"Crocheting is an easy thing for me to do, and hopefully, it makes a difference in that homeless person's life,” Norita said. “I don't need a thank you. A thank you enough is knowing I have done something for someone."
For Norita, something as simple as a hat can brighten someone's day.
She hopes others will find their own way of being kind.
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