As many people shop both in-store and online, it's important to be aware that scammers will be active, employing various tricks to steal your information and money.
We welcome back our friend Jeff Miller, a volunteer with the AARP Oklahoma Fraud Watch Network, to share three effective strategies you can use to avoid falling victim to scams.
Don't Click on That Link
"First, don't click on any links from text, emails, or online ads," Miller advised. "The safest way to shop online is to go directly to the website or app of a retailer you trust, or type their web address into your browser."
Beware of Social Media Deals
Miller also warned against trusting deals that appear to come from friends on social media.
"Criminals are now hacking social media accounts and sending out these fake offers," he explained.
The Fraud Watch Network: A Free Resource
Fortunately, Miller shared that the Fraud Watch Network is available as a free resource to help people spot scams.
"You don't have to be a member to access the Fraud Watch Network, and that's a great place to help you spot scams and to get guidance if you think you've been scammed."
Scams Target All Ages
Miller emphasized that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, making it crucial to share this information with people of all ages.
"These ads and websites look real, with logos and everything. So yeah, all ages are getting scammed."
Stay Vigilant This Holiday Season
As Cyber Monday and other busy shopping days approach, Miller's advice is clear: "Slow down and be smart about it."
By following these tips and utilizing the Fraud Watch Network, consumers can shop safely and avoid falling victim to holiday scams.