Cherokee Nation offers subsidized gym memberships to promote health

Cherokee Nation offers subsidized gym memberships to promote health

The Cherokee Nation wants to get more of its citizens in shape.

This YMCA is one of the places that Cherokees can join for half price, giving them access to work out— even if they’re not close to a Cherokee Nation rec center.

The Pryor Creek Recreation Center serves everyone, offering a complete range of workout options, including a pool. They have room for more swimmers and more walkers, and the Cherokee Nation is encouraging its people to join.

“We just want to encourage people to access physical activity; it’s part of this holistic approach to health care,” said Cherokee Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr.

He signed paperwork obligating $750,000 toward gym memberships for Cherokees not within easy reach of a tribal facility.

The nation is adding workout areas in every new community center, with plans to build more.

The Pryor Creek Rec Center is one workout spot the nation has designated for citizens to use right now. They are working to sign agreements with 18 nonprofit spots.

“And this new program will put $25,000 into each of those facilities to subsidize Cherokee Nation citizens who want to go to the gym,” said Hoskin Jr.

Pryor Creek has 1,800 members, with 650 of them being Cherokees who don’t have to pay the usual $48 monthly fee.

“Half of that is split between the nation and the individual, so it’s a heck of a benefit they’re providing for their people,” said rec center director Mike Moore.

The nation figures the subsidized memberships are as good an investment as a medical clinic, with the prospect that healthier people will need less medical care.

“This helps the rec center,” Cherokee Nation Councilor Danny Callison said. “The more people who are in it, the more it helps the Cherokee Nation be a healthier people.”

The program is active now, and all Cherokee Nation members have to do is show up and sign up to start working out.