Updated Flu Statistics Create Concern For Oklahoma Doctors

Updated Flu Statistics Create Concern For Oklahoma Doctors

The Oklahoma State Department of Health released updated flu numbers Thursday morning that said nearly 200 people were hospitalized due to the flu.

 "You'll get muscle aches, sore joints, and you'll get the runny nose and dry cough. That kind of stuff," said Tulsa ER & Hospital Physician Brian Simic.

Simic said doctors expect the number of reported cases to get worse as the flu season continues.

"I think it's probably going to be one of those years where it's going to be rough. It's been rough in Australia and that's usually what they use to kind of gauge ours,” Simic said.

According to the CDC, nearly 2,900 people nationwide have died this year because of the flu. The Oklahoma State Department of Health said 12 of those were right here in Oklahoma. Simic said he's also seeing breathing problems caused by the flu.

"A lot of it seems to be upper respiratory. We've had some patients that are having issues keeping their oxygen saturations stable enough to go home,” Simic said.

The CDC said it's not too late to get the flu vaccine if you haven't already.