Woman Arrested With Ecstasy Disguised As Superhero Vitamins, Pawnee Police Say

Woman Arrested With Ecstasy Disguised As Superhero Vitamins, Pawnee Police Say

Pawnee Police Department arrested a woman they said had an illicit drug disguised as superhero vitamins.

Morgan Johnson was booked on complaints of possession of a controlled substance and child endangerment.

Police Chief Wes Clymer said his officers were called to a local restaurant after someone reported a woman acting suspiciously. Their investigation showed that Johnson, who had a small child with her, had 26 pills of Ecstasy or MDMA. The pills were molded in the shape of superheroes.

“You don’t see it a whole lot here in Pawnee or Pawnee County. When you do see it, it has always been in that type of pill form, which is embossed with superheroes,” said Clymer.

The chief said Johnson was transporting the drugs from Kansas to Norman. He said Pawnee is seeing more drug trafficking as dealers try to bypass bigger, busier highways and interstates.

The arrest started with Pawnee County Sheriff Mike Waters who was also at the restaurant. 

“The waiter is the one that said, ‘hey sheriff, there is a lady down there and something is not right,’" said Waters. “I could tell there was something definitely wrong,” said Waters.

Waters said he kept an eye on the woman and noticed a small baby in her arms. After hearing her ask the waitress for food and diapers, he said he went up to her table, said he was the sheriff, and offered to help.

“Even though she is asking the waitresses for help, she is denying any assistance from him and that is a key clue to us that she doesn’t want law enforcement involved. There is probably criminal activity,” said Clymer.

Methyldioxy-methamphetamine is a dangerous and addictive drug that is commonly disguised in pill form as a children's vitamin, according to Pawnee police.

The young child with Johnson was taken into the Department of Human Services custody.