Oklahoma Doctor Fears Thousands Could Contract Coronavirus If Public Doesn’t Stay Home

Oklahoma Doctor Fears Thousands Could Contract Coronavirus If Public Doesn’t Stay Home

As Oklahoma draws closer to 1,000 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases a metro doctor has a stern warning, stay home.

The virus has killed 34 Oklahomans to date.

Health care providers across the state said they’re alarmed over what they say are many people not getting the message to stay home.

That contradicted what Governor Kevin Stitt said Thursday. 

“Oklahomans as a general rule are doing a fantastic job,” said Stitt. “Our businesses are taking this very seriously, we're working from home.”

Dr. Noel Williams from Northwest Surgical Hospital said COVID-19 spreads 20+ feet with a cough or sneeze. The virus can stick to surfaces for hours, sometimes days.

Public spaces are not a good idea to be in, Williams said, unless necessary.

“Every single person that touches that shelf or touches that cart or touches that piece of fruit is going to get positionally infected,” said Williams. “That is why shelter in place is so important because you can't see the billions and trillions of viral particles that are coating the entire store.”

Dr. Williams believes many more could be spreading the virus and not know it which is why staying at home is crucial.

“Keep in mind we've had restrictive testing where only the sickest of the sick are getting tested,” said Williams. “Usually that means we have 10-15 times that amount now so we have 10,000 or 15,000 people infected most of which who have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.”

That being said, Dr. Williams hopes Governor Stitt will more strongly enforce the message to stay home.

“This is when our personal rights have to be sublimated for the greater good,” said Williams. “That is his job and he needs to step up and do it.”

Dr. Williams said ignoring the stay at home order could lead to overwhelmed hospitals having to turn people away like stroke and heart attack patients.